Friday, October 29, 2010

Our Halloween Costumes

Little Miss Sunshine wanted to be Cinderella this year, so I decided to sew a dress that could be used for dress-up later, just like I did last year. I started out using the pattern I used last year for her Aurora dress, but the sizing was weird and I didn't like how it looked, so I ended up altering the bodice and side floufs. It was a lot of work, but the results were worth it, in my OCD opinion. I used the tutorials here for the accessories, which was a clever idea that I totally wouldn't have thought of myself. And of course, I changed them up a bit and made them my own. I'm really happy with how her costume turned out, and LMS loves it.

The angle of her head in this pic shows off  her hair nicely. I like this pic, even though the light isn't great.

I wanted to dress up for our ward trunk or treat, but like every year, I couldn't think of anything. As I sewed LMS's Cinderella dress, I realized there was a perfect costume idea in the movie. I sewed up some sheets, and I became Cinderella's Fairy Godmother.

Very blurry pic taken by a neighbor. We were leaving for the ward activity, and it was getting dark, so the lighting wasn't the best and I didn't have the flash on. And LMS wasn't smiling. Oh well.

Better pic, at the ward activity. 

I'll try for some more pictures tomorrow. Since Halloween is on Sunday this year we'll be hitting the mall for some trick or treating tomorrow afternoon. I just have to decide if I want to dress up also. Hmmmm.

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