Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creative food storage

Our food storage shelves (purchased from IKEA) are currently in our basement workshop room. Someday we'll have a storage room just for food and such, but we're not there yet. In the meantime, I finally have a central location to put our food storage- it's no longer scattered among various kitchen cupboards and boxes in the laundry room. Now I can see at a glance what I'm running low on. So nice!

The problem with sharing the space is that whenever I cut wood sawdust gets EVERYWHERE. I tried draping a dropcloth over the shelves, but it was way too long and made it hard to get to anything on the shelves.

So I cut three dropcloth panels to size and stuck them to the shelves.
I used the existing hems in the fabric so the only raw edges are at the top, covered by the velcro.

I had 20' of sticky-back velcro that I've had for awhile, so I used that. I hate sewing sticky-back velcro because it gums up the needle and makes the thread break, which is why I still had 20' of it in my stash.

So I used staples. I used my staple gun to staple one side to the shelf and I used my regular stapler to staple the other side to the fabric.
The top edge of the drop cloth panel.

I added a couple tabs to hold the panels together along the edges- I just stapled those as well.

It's not the prettiest job ever, but it made use of materials I already had (the velcro and the dropcloth), it decreased my stash of stuff, and it works great. Can't beat that!

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