Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our cute new shed

the view from the back deck- isn't it so cute? just like a miniature house!

A couple months ago we finally placed an order for a shed. We don't have a garage, we have limited indoor storage, and our only outdoor storage space has been this:

Not very big (6'x8'), and not a permanent solution.

We priced sheds at several locations, including kits and prebuilt sheds. After comparing costs, time, and convenience, we decided the best route for us at this point was to buy a prebuilt shed. It wasn't that much more than the kit, and we wouldn't have to build it in triple digit heat in between all the other things we have going on. Win-win-win.

After making that decision we decided on size, style, and colors, then placed our order. Five weeks later, one corner of our yard went from looking like this: 

To this:

I don't remember the size right off, but I think it's 10'x16'?
Small enough to be brought in on a trailer, but big enough to hold our stuff.

The delivery and set-up process was quite interesting to watch- part of the trailer tipped up, 

and up,

and up, 

then slid off as the truck moved forward. 

Here it's laying flat on the ground, which wasn't level, but after jacking up the shed and using quite a few blocks, 

The shed is now level. 

Now we need to build a small ramp below the double doors on the end, build a small step for the front door, and put some kind of trellis-y thing around the base to keep critters and such out from under the shed.

So much space- now we have to decide just how we're going to organize it as we fill it up so we can still access everything.

When we landscape the back yard, we'll dig a trench so we can run a power line out to the shed, but in the meantime we'll have to use our really long, heavy-duty extension cord.

The view from the front porch, with our stunted garden in front of the shed. Once it cools down a bit, we'll build raised beds for square foot gardening and get everything ready for spring so that we'll hopefully have better luck next year.

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